11/11 房市每日焦点

  • With $829B AUM, Abu Dhabi wealth fund ADIA is expanding its allocation to US CRE in portfolio
  • Influential ULI/PwC 2023 emerging RE trend report predicted a short and shallow recession to hit US, rent control/ESG will be thrust to forefront, remote and online retail continue to dominate. Top 6 RE markets for 2023 are Nashville, DFW, Atlanta, Austin, Tampa and Raleigh. Only city not in Sunbelt is Boston
  • A silver lining amid storm clouds: mall giant Simon Prop reported a great Q3 result, with occupancy and rent both went up 2% in Q3
  • Per report by ATTOM, 48.5% of homeowners in US are equity-rich, meaning they own >50% of home market value, vs 39.5% in 2021. Only 227k homeowners face foreclosures in Q2, vs 58M total home mortgages. 法拍应该还在后面等失业率上升之后,不过同意结论不可能像上次GFC那样的巨浪滔天
  • Per closing data from NAR, buyers who purchased homes moved a median 50 miles away from the previous residences, this distance is highest on record since 2005, typical median distance moved was 15 miles. This means Americans are looking farther away for their next new homes 市郊outlook 会更好,上班便利在购房者心目中的重要地位在下滑
  • TriPoint Homes CEO said housing is canary in coal mine, 春江水暖鸭先知, new home price could correct 10-20%, housing would leading US economy into a recession. If rate just stabilized, even at higher level, the pent up demands will come back这个观点我是同意的,现在买家卖家都不动因为加息步伐太快,不确定因素太多,等步伐放缓或者停歇了,一些不敢入场的会入场,就算利率高一些也会


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