The power of atomic habits – my reading habit

Atomic Habits, written by James Clear, is a self-help book that focuses on the power of small, incremental changes to create meaningful and lasting habits. The book explores the idea that success is not about dramatic transformations or overnight achievements but rather the result of consistent, small actions taken consistently over time.

James introduces the concept of atomic habits, which are small, consistent actions that compound over time and lead to significant personal and professional growth. Through many examples, he emphasizes that it’s the aggregation of marginal gains that creates breakthroughs and long-term success.

As a busy working mom, I have not finished reading a single book for many years. Every time I open a book, I will fall asleep quickly. I think the main reason is that reading was not my priority. I always read after I finish all other tasks, from jobs to household errands. I’m usually very tired at that point. If I really want to establish a good reading habit, I will need to prioritize it properly and allocate better time. Now I’m listening to the audiobook while I commute to work, which usually takes over one hour each way. I think it is a good use of my time.

I’m looking forward to building my reading habits through this club.


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