Chapter 11 – The Success Habit
Ask the focus question!
What’s the ONE Thing I can do today for [whatever you want] such that by doing it everything else will be easier or even unnecessary?
Chapter 12 – The Path to Great Answers
Difficulty: Doable -> stretch -> possible
- Think big (at the Possible level) and specific.
- measure & trend the progress (is it moving? is it moving in the right direction? in a good pace?)
Chapter 13 – Live with Purpose
basically a motivational chapter, Setting a goal and marching towards it
Chapter 14 – Live by Priority
- what is someday goal (10+ yr, be famous for, retired with a reputation?)
- to get someday goal, what is five-year goal?
- to get five-year goal, what is my one-year goal?
- to get one-year goal, what is monthly goal?
- to get monthly goal, what is weekly goal?
- to get weekly goal, what is daily goal?
- to get daily goal, what is right now goal?